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Who We Are

The Republican Club at Heritage Ranch is an active social club with Members and Sponsors who are interested in current and timely topics and related topics. Our members are residents of Heritage Ranch and our Sponsors are neighbors from Fairview, Lucas, and Collin County. Since the club was formed in 2009, we have grown to become one of the largest and more influential political clubs in Collin County and the State of Texas. 


The Club is directed by an annually elected board. Club Members and Sponsors volunteer to serve on numerous committees to carry out the activities and responsibilities of the Club. To volunteer to serve, please contact the Club via Contact Us.


Our Mission

The objective of this club is to:

  • Promote, preserve, and protect the interest of constitutional republicanism through education and political action. 
  • Encourage active participation in governmental affairs, including communication with elected officials. 
  • Acquaint members with the character and qualifications of Republican candidates.
  • Build loyalty to the Republican Party for constructive action in the primary and the general elections.

Our Vision

Our vision is to have our Members and Sponsors be knowledgeable and active in their political arena, participating in their local, county, school district, state and federal elections and interfacing with their government officials with the intent to restore fiscal responsibility, limited government, personal responsibility, rule of law and national sovereignty.

The 2024 Board Members are:


President - Jack DeSimone  
Immediate Past President - Ted Puchacz

Treasurer - Diane Tubbs  

Secretary - Tim Borck  

Historian - Nancy Lewis
Director of Meetings - Helga Minderjahn

Director of Marketing and Communications - Bob Sehon

Director of Membership - Ron Samuels
Director of Legislative and Campaign Activities - Ben Brown